Brook Preloader

Prophit Systems'
Unique Solutions to:
Improve Delivery


Tim Gray
Founder | Prophit Systems

We understand that scheduling is at the centre of any manufacturing operation’s ability to execute its business plan.
Prophit E-Planner is a comprehensive tool that delivers a complete picture of how your supply chain is performing and how it can be made to work optimally.
Prophit E-Planner is one of the few solutions available that provides all of these features as standard within a single AP&S solution. This means you no longer need to compromise between these features to determine which AP&S is right for your operations.

Improve delivery performance

Give reliable delivery projections

Communicate in a timely manner with sales and customers

Increase the length of campaign runs

Reduce the number of schedule crashes

Reduce labour and overtime costs

Reduce inventory levels

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Supply Chain Planning

    Prophit E-Planner uses the functionality of the latest programming languages

    Supply Chain Solutions for Tomorrow

    What it delivers:

    Seamless integration with your ERP solution

    Automated scheduling algorithms reduce the work content and conflicts of scheduling

    Insights to support Dynamically assessed material requirements; keeping the scheduler informed of material constraints.

    Optimal loading of machines with all possible alternative routes considered

    Realistic, achievable delivery dates

    Full manual override and provide immediate feedback on all implications of schedule changes

    Enforcing frozen and firm scheduling windows, with complete schedule adherence reporting


    The ability to model labour crewing and tooling constraints to meet production demand

    The ability to provide graphical representation of the scheduling horizon for greater insight and understanding

    Automated scheduling algorithms that reduce the work content and conflicts of scheduling

    Support for supply chain strategies by providing salient management reporting

    Supply Chain Solutions for Tomorrow

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